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Michelle L Ellis

Certifications and Endorsements

Elementary Education
PreK/Primary Education

Qualifications and Experience

State Certified in Preschool Ed 1987-1989, Public School Teaching 1999-2000 and 2014, 16 yrs of Home Education (currently ongoing) w/Special Needs to Gifted, Lead VPK Teacher 2014-2016

What to Expect at Your Evaluation

I meet w/parent/s & child to discuss portfolio, successes, challenges, and to learn more from child specifically regarding interests. I will need 1-2 wks to evaluate portfolio, create an annual evaluation Letter, and write recommendations and suggestions for further academic success.  I need all documentation per Florida Home Education statutes. I offer IOWA (ITBS) Testing (K-8) and can seek the DIBELS Test if preferred.  I have a Special Needs sensitivity - ADD/OCD/TS/AS & Gifted.

Area(s) Served

Polk and East Hillsborough Counties

Evaluation Option(s)

In Person


$25 Elementary portfolio
$30 Middle/High portfolio
Mult-child discount


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