How to Homeschool in Vermont

This information is not legal advice and should not be used as such. You should verify all requirements with the government agency in your area before you begin homeschooling. You may find contact information in the links below.
  • In Vermont, homeschooling is known as "home study" or "home school".
  • Compulsory attendance is required for children ages 6 through 16 or until the student completes 10th grade.

From the United States Department of Education

Homeschooling is an educational program offered through home study that provides a minimum course of study and is offered to children residing in that home and to two or fewer children from one family not living in the home. 16 VSA §11 (21).

Parents wishing to homeschool their children must file a written notice with the secretary each year. The notice must contain the name and age of the child; contact information for parent and instructor; an assessment of progress for a child enrolled in a home school during the previous year; evidence that the child is or is not handicapped; a description of the content in each instructional area; the name of the resident school district; the names, addresses, telephone numbers, and signatures of the persons who will provide ongoing instruction in each subject matter of the minimum course of study required; and the signature of the parents or guardians, who are legally authorized to make educational decisions for the student. 16 VSA §166b(a).

Qualified home study programs do not have to submit the minimum course of study to the agency of education. A qualified home study program is a program that has, for two consecutive years, not been disallowed by the order of a hearing officer, meets home study program requirements of the state, and has enabled the student(s) to progress commensurate with his or her age and ability in all subject areas of the minimum course of study. This does not apply if the child is 12 years old at the time of his enrollment. 16 VSA §166b(i) and (k).

Home study programs in Vermont must provide a minimum course of study in the following fields: basic communication, including reading, writing, and the use of numbers; citizenship, history, and government in Vermont and the United States; physical education and comprehensive health education; English, American, and other literature; the natural sciences; and the fine arts. 16 VSA §906 (a) and (b).

Students 13 years or older in a home study program are no longer required to report to the agency of education study of physical education, comprehensive health, and the fine arts. An Act Relating to Home Study Programs, signed into law 2006. 16 VSA §166b(i)(2).

An annual assessment is required. Several options are open to parents, including assessment by a Vermont licensed teacher, complete results of a standardized achievement test, or a report by the instructor accompanied by a portfolio of the child's work. 16 VSA §166b(d)

A home study student is eligible to enroll part-time at school in his or her district of residence. If the district does not operate a school, the student may attend another public school for which his or her district of residence is required to pay tuition. State Board Manual of Rules and Practices 4403.1

A home study student is eligible to try out for and/or participate in cocurricular and extracurricular activities at the public school in the district of residence or the public school to which the district is required to pay tuition. The student must still show compliance with insurance, physical examination, age, transfer, and the other requirements of the public school. State Board Manual of Rules and Practices 4404.1.

A home study student may use the portions of a school building and grounds used by students for classes, study and cocurricular or extracurricular activities of the district public school or the public school for which his or her district is required to pay tuition. State Board Manual of Rules and Practices 4405.1.

Contact Information

Vermont Agency of Education
Secretary Daniel M. French
1 National Life Drive, Davis 5
Montpelier, VT 05620-2501
Phone: (802) 479-1030
Fax: (802) 479-479-1835
Email: This email address is being protected from spambots. You need JavaScript enabled to view it. or This email address is being protected from spambots. You need JavaScript enabled to view it.

Source: United States Department of Education - Vermont State Regulations

From the Vermont Department of Education

Every family in Vermont has the right to educate their own children. All students in Vermont must be enrolled at an approved public or independent school or enroll in a home study program.

The Agency of Education’s Home Study Team functions as an approver of home study programs – not a school.16 VSA §166b.

Intent to Home School Notification

Rolling enrollments are accepted anytime after March 1, 2021 until May 1, 2022. Students must remain in the public/independent school until you have received an official Home Study enrollment complete letter.

Enrollments can take up to 14 business days to process once received. Submission of an enrollment packet does not mean that the student has been enrolled in a home study program. When students are officially enrolled in a home study program, families will receive an enrollment complete letter from the Home Study Office, and may withdraw their students from school and begin home study.

The Agency of Education offers the Vermont Home School Online Enrollment Packet, a secure online method to create and submit Home Study enrollment forms.

You can also complete the downloaded forms from the Vermont Home Study Forms​ webpage and mail them to the agency.

Please read the Vermont Home Study Guidelines for information necessary to prepare and submit an enrollment notice for homeschooling.

You can use the Vermont Home Study Enrollment Form Instructions and Checklist before you Upload your already completed Home Study forms with your online enrollment.


Families must develop their own curriculum, or purchase a curriculum to implement or they can enroll their students in an online program/academy. The family will determine which best meets their needs.

Required Subjects

The MCOS as outlined in 16 VSA §906 means learning experiences adapted to a student’s age and ability in the specific subject areas listed below (please note that the examples below are not an exhaustive list):
1. Basic Communication skills, including, reading, writing, (i.e. phonics, speaking/listening, vocabulary, spelling, grammar, types of writing)
2. Basic Communication skills mathematics (i.e. addition, fractions, time, measurement, graphing, exponents):
3. Citizenship, History, and Government in Vermont and the United States (i.e. community action and local government, specific eras in history of VT or the US)
4. English, American & other literature: (i.e. genres of books, plot, responses to reading)
5. Natural Sciences (i.e. the scientific method, discoveries and inventions, Renewable Energy Sources, Recycling, Natural Disasters (earthquakes, volcanoes) ):
6. Physical Education (i.e. team sports, dance, martial arts, yoga, skiing):
7. Comprehensive Health Education including the effects of tobacco, alcoholic drinks, and drugs on the human system and on society (first aid, human growth and development, and nutrition):
8. Fine Arts (i.e. visual arts, media arts, music, dance, attend performing arts events)
For more come information read the Vermont Home Study Guidelines

Portfolio Requirement

Each portfolio must include 4 – 6 student work samples per subject area.
1. Each portfolio must include work samples for only one student.
2. Supporting documentation in each area of the MCOS must be included.
3. If a student participates in an on-line class, families must save samples of their student’s work to include in the portfolio before emailing final copies to the program.
4. The Home Study Office will not accept print outs from the online program documenting that the student completed the program unless the print out includes grades.
5. The family must submit 4-6 samples of work that the student completed for each subject area (except PE, Health and Fine Arts as only 1 work sample is required for those areas).
6. Copies of the table of contents from books, summaries of what the student learned written in the parent’s handwriting, or copies of the MCOS with the word “Completed” written on it are not acceptable portfolio pieces.
7. While snapshots of activities are acceptable portfolio pieces for some activities(i.e. physical education, fine arts), they cannot be the sole documentation. The photos can supplement the examples, not supplant them. The portfolio must include 4-6 examples of work for each subject area (1 example for physical education, health and fine arts). A photo can be considered as one example.
For more come information read the Vermont Home Study Guidelines

End of Year Assessment (EOYA)

The home study statute states that each home study program shall assess annually the progress of each of its students. Progress shall be assessed in each area of the Minimum Course of Study. See 16 V.S.A §166b(d).

Each student who is enrolled in a home study program must be assessed for the time spent studying in the home study program. A student’s enrollment may not be considered closed or complete without the EOYA. This applies to all home study students including students who:
1. Re-enroll in a home study program for the following school year
2. Return to the public school, either during the school year or the following school year
3. Withdraw from a home study program during the school year
5. Turn 16 during the school year (thus completing the compulsory age of attendance)
6. Graduate from high school

The home study statute requires that parents use one of four types of assessments:
1. Teacher Assessment
2. Parent Letter and Portfolio
3. Teacher Advisory Service Report from a publisher of a commercial curriculum and Portfolio, or
4. Results from a Standardized Achievement Test
For more come information read the Vermont Home Study Guidelines

State Funding

By enrolling in a Home Study Program, families give up their right to a publicly funded education. There is no money available to pay for a Home Study Program at either the State level or the local level.


Students enrolled in home study do not receive grades or diplomas from the State. Vermont can and does maintain records documenting that students satisfactorily meet all necessary standards, and confirm with school districts all who are enrolled with us so they can accurately enforce truancy laws.

Special Needs/Special Education

Families should be aware that by enrolling in a Home Study Program:

Students are not entitled to and may not receive any special education supports and services through the school

Families are required to complete the Vermont Adaptations Form. This form provides us with information on what families will do to support their student’s education. Please see this Frequently Asked Questions (FAQ) for more information, and see the sample Adaptations below

Parents' Rights in Special Education

Under the federal Individuals with Disabilities Education Act (IDEA) of 2004 and the Vermont Agency of Education's Special Education rules, parents have specific rights concerning their participation in the special education process. The Vermont Parents' Rights in Special Education​ (Procedural Safeguards Notice) booklet is designed to inform parents of those rights and provide a list of available resources.

Dual Enrollment Public School

Home study students are permitted to enroll at their local school for up to 2 of the 5 main courses (Math, Science, Reading and Writing, History/Civics/Government, and Literature), as well as electives, athletics, and extra-curricular activities, as space permits. Parents must collaborate with their local school to arrange enrollment and scheduling.

If you have questions please contact the Home Study Team.
Home Study/VT Agency of Education
1 National Life Drive, Davis 5
Montpelier, VT 05620-2501
email This email address is being protected from spambots. You need JavaScript enabled to view it.

Vermont Home Schooling Links

Resources on the Minimum Course of Study (MCOS)

Resources on End of Year Assessment (EOYA)

Please also see these informational FAQs and Memos:

Source: Vermont Department of Education

Updated 29 December 2021

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