How to Homeschool in Oregon

This information is not legal advice and should not be used as such. You should verify all requirements with the government agency in your area before you begin homeschooling. You may find contact information in the links below.
  • In Oregon, homeschooling is known as "home school".
  • Compulsory attendance is required for children ages 6 through 18.

From the United States Department of Education

The parent or legal guardian must notify the education service district in writing within 10 days of withdrawing a student from public school to be homeschooled. The education service district shall acknowledge receipt of any notification in writing. Or. Rev. Stat. §339.035 (2) and Or. Admin. Rules §581-021-0026 (1)(f), (4).

The notification must include the child's and parent's names and addresses, the child's birth date, and the name of the school the child is presently attending or last attended or, if the child has not attended school, the name of the public school district where the child resides. Annual notification is not required. Or. Admin. Rules §581-021-0026 (1)(f), (4).

Homeschool students are required to participate in a comprehensive examination that is approved by the Oregon State Board of Education in grades three, five, eight, and 10. The parent may choose which approved examination is used, but the exam must be administered by "a qualified neutral person" and occur no later than Aug. 15. Or. Rev. Stat. §339.035(3) and Or. Admin. Rules §581-021-0026(5).

If the student withdraws from public school to be home-schooled, then the student must participate in an examination within 18 months. If the student never attended public school, then the first examination must be administered prior to the conclusion of grade three. Or. Rev. Stat. §339.035(3) and Or. Admin. Rules §581-021-0026(5).

The individual administering the examination must score it and report the results to the parent or legal guardian and, when requested, the parent or legal guardian shall submit the results to the education services district. Or. Rev. Stat. §339.035(3)(c) and (d) and Or. Admin. Rules §581-021-0026(5)(b) and (c).

If the student scores below the 15th percentile, the child must be given the examination again within in one year. If this occurs for three consecutive years, then the superintendent of the education services district has the authority to require that the child receive education from a certified teacher selected by and at the expense of the parent or legal guardian. If the parent or legal guardian does not consent to placing the education of the child under the supervision of a licensed teacher, then the superintendent may order the child to school for a period not to exceed 12 months. Or. Rev. Stat. §339.035(4) and Or. Admin. Rules §581-021-0026(7)(a), (b), and (d).

A homeschooled student may participate in the resident district's interscholastic activities if the student achieves and submits a composite test score that is in the 23rd percentile or greater, all school district eligibility requirements except school or class attendance requirement and class requirements of the voluntary association administering interscholastic activities. A school district may adopt alternative requirements, in consultation with the parent or legal guardian of a homeschooled student, i.e. a portfolio of work samples. Or. Rev. Stat. §339.460 and Or. Admin. Rules §581-021-0333.

A school district may allow homeschool students to attend academic classes but is not required by law to do so. Oregon Department of Education – Homeschooling—Q & A's.

Contact Information

Oregon Department of Education
255 Capitol St. NE
Salem, OR 97310-0203
Phone: (503) 947-5600
Fax: (503) 378-5156

Source: United States Department of Education - Oregon State Regulations

From the Oregon Department of Education

Home Schooling is an educational option in Oregon. Families who choose to home school children in their care must do the following items, pursuant to Oregon Administrative Rule 581-021-0026

Intent to Home School Notification

Families must notify their local Education Service District (ESD) of their intent to home school within ten days of withdrawal from public school (or at the start of first grade). The ESD must acknowledge in writing receipt of any notification from a parent, legal guardian or private teacher within 90 days of having record of such notification.

Most ESDs have a notification form on their Home School website; please find your local Oregon Education Service District (Word Doc). ESD Home School web pages also can provide valuable information in your Home Schooling experience.


Curriculum and assignments are not provided by the State.

Testing and Assessment

Testing is required at grades 3, 5, 8 and 10. Testing begins 18 months after notification.

The parent or legal guardian shall select an examination from the list of approved tests and arrange to have the examination administered.

"Approved Tests" for assessment of satisfactory progress by home school students are the two most recent versions of the following tests;
California Achievement Test;
Comprehensive Tests of Basic Skills;
Iowa Tests of Basic Skills/Tests of Achievement and Proficiency;
Metropolitan Achievement Battery;
Stanford Achievement Test Battery.

Coordinate with Home School Tester(s) to assess student growth at the end of grade levels 3, 5, 8, and 10. The Department shall make available a list of persons qualified to administer tests

Submit test results to local ESD when requested.

All costs for the test instrument, administration, and scoring are the responsibility of the parent.

For more information, please see the Questions and Answers link below.

The State Board of Education voted to approve an extension for home school testing. All home school students required to test this year, unless testing for OSAA eligibility, have until November 1, 2021. Students seeking or maintaining OSAA eligibility will adhere to the August 15 deadline.

Oregon Homeschool Resources

Your Local Oregon ESD​ (Word Doc) district or public school may also be able to provide additional resources to support your child.

​Please take time to review the Questions & Answers, and Laws, Data and Resources pages, then request additional information on home schooling by contacting:
Annie Marges
This email address is being protected from spambots. You need JavaScript enabled to view it. 
(503) 934-0787

Oregon Home Schooling Links

Source: Oregon Department of Education

Updated 29 December 2021

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