Compulsory attendance is required for children ages 6 through 18.
Each year parents must submit a signed affidavit to the school district of residence stating that the child will attend home school and will receive instruction in the subjects required by the Utah State Board of Education and for the same length of time minors are required to be taught in public schools, as determined by the Utah State Board of Education rules.
The statute does not specify a form for the affidavit, but a school district may provide a form to parents. A school district that requires a specific form or format for the affidavit is exceeding the requirements of the statute. Frequently Asked Questions about School District Responsibilities and Home Schools, October 2014, Utah State Office of Education and Utah Code Ann. §53A-11-102(2)(b).
Home school students will receive a certificate from the local school board excusing their attendance from the public schools during the time specified on the certificate. Frequently Asked Questions about School District Responsibilities and Home Schools, May 2007 and Utah State Office of Education and Utah Code Ann. §53A-11-102(2)(g).
The resident school district has no responsibility or authority regarding home schools' curriculum, student assessment, instructional materials, or instruction evaluation. Utah Code Ann. §53A-11-102(2)(c).
Home school students who are Utah residents have the option to participate in U-PASS if they satisfy state home school requirements. State Board of Education Rule R277-604-4.
Home school students are eligible to participate in extracurricular or co-curricular activities of their residential public school if taking courses comparable to traditional school courses or earning credit under the options outline in R277-700-6 in the minimum number of designated courses required by the local board of students for participation in that activity. Dual enrollment students are eligible under the same standards as traditional public school students. R277-438-3 and Utah Code Ann. §53A-11-102.5.
To establish that the home school student meets the academic eligibility, a parent, teacher, or organization providing instruction to the student shall submit an affidavit to the principal indicating the student meets academic eligibility requirements. §53-11-102.6 (6)(a).
Utah State Office of Education
250 East 500 South
P.O. Box 144200
Salt Lake City, UT 84114-4200
Phone: (801) 538-7500
Fax: (801) 538-7521
Source: United States Department of Education - Utah State Regulations
For parents who wish to home school their child, the State of Utah requires the parent to complete and file an affidavit with their Utah local school district stating their Utah intent to home school (PDF).
School Boards excusing minors from attendance as provided by the statute, shall issue a certificate stating that the minor student is excused from attendance during the current school year and on an annual basis thereafter. Once the Utah intent to home school affidavit has been submitted, with all required information, the attendance exemption certificate must be provided to parent(s) within 30 days.
The curriculum, assessment, selection of home school instruction, and the time and place of instruction are all the sole responsibility of the parent/guardian.
A local school board may not require a parent of the home schooled minor to maintain records of instruction or attendance.
Students may participate in any co-curricular or extra-curricular activity in the public school, subject to compliance with the same rules and requirements that apply to a full-time student's participation in the activity, consistent with Utah Code Section 53G-6-702 and -703 and Board Rule R277-438.
The student will not be required to enroll in additional public school courses, other than the classes required for participation in the activity. (e.g. participation in a chorus class may require child to be enrolled in 6th period Concert Choir; varsity wrestling may require a 1 period weight training class).
Utah suggests contacting your Utah local school district to find out what form they require. While the Utah State Board of Education can provide information regarding state policies, home school jurisdiction falls under the local school district.
Caren Johnson
Phone: (801) 538-7788
E-mail: This email address is being protected from spambots. You need JavaScript enabled to view it.
Source: Utah Department of Education
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